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A man files a mesothelioma lawsuit due to asbestos exposure at work

A man files a mesothelioma lawsuit due to asbestos exposure at work

A North Carolina man filed a mesothelioma lawsuit against his former employer, claiming he was exposed to dangerous asbestos fibers on the job, leading to a diagnosis of mesothelioma.


The plaintiff says it was his work experience that forced him to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

The plaintiff, Paul E., says he was an employee of the University of California from 1958 to 1964, working at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico.

There, he says he worked as an electronics and instrumentation technician, as well as a furnace assistant. During that time, he alleges, he was exposed to asbestos fibers in products made by various companies, including Honeywell International, Owens-Illinois, Inc., and Crown Cork & Seal Company.

In his mesothelioma lawsuit, he claims he was exposed to “substantial amounts” of asbestos fibers. His mesothelioma lawsuit notes that he was not aware of the risks of asbestos exposure and that he was not warned of the risk

Unfortunately, on August 13, 2018, Paul was allegedly diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer – a cancer closely related to asbestos exposure.

Paul filed his mesothelioma lawsuit on October 18, 2018, in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico. The mesothelioma lawsuit was filed on multiple charges, including negligence, willful misconduct, conspiracy, and several others.

The mesothelioma lawsuit also alleges that Paul’s wife, Peggy, as well as their son, suffered loss of consortium as a result.

Paul is not the first to file a mesothelioma lawsuit after being exposed to asbestos; in fact, it is far from it. Asbestos mesothelioma litigation is mounting, brought against manufacturers who created asbestos-containing products and against employers who allowed their workers to be exposed. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos, you may be able to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

Asbestos Background

Asbestos was used for a long time in countless commercial products, such as electrical and building insulation. However, it was discovered decades ago that asbestos is actually an extremely dangerous substance. It is associated with some serious health complications, such as mesothelioma.

To limit the use of asbestos, standards have been established. Now, the use of asbestos is much rarer than it was decades ago. But unfortunately, the effects of asbestos exposure continue to be felt. In fact, many asbestos-related diseases can take years or decades to develop and reveal symptoms. In many cases, patients exposed to asbestos decades ago are only diagnosed now. This contributes to the danger of asbestos mesothelioma: it is often diagnosed in its later stages, when it is already more dangerous and difficult to treat.

Filing an Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer after exposure to asbestos, or a loved one died of mesothelioma, you may be able to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

While filing a mesothelioma lawsuit cannot undo the pain and suffering caused by asbestos mesothelioma cancer, and cannot bring a loved one back to life, it can help ease the financial burden of medical expenses and lost wages.

The mesothelioma lawsuit is case No. 6: 18-cv-00966, in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico.


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