window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-09HLNFS3CD'); Do you still believe that email marketing does not work? – i-SeoTools: 100% Advanced Free SEO Tools centre

Do you still believe that email marketing does not work?


When we see our mailbox is full, many of us who read this note think that email marketing does not work. Now that we are close to 2022 and we must prepare for what is coming, it is good that we stop for a while to think about the RTM (route to market or route to market) strategy of our business, and obviously, email marketing will be one of the aspects that we must analyze.

I am convinced that in addition to bringing us a new sense of hope, appreciation, and gratitude, the year 2022 will bring us more meaningful connections, not only between people but also between them and trade names. 2022 is presented with the enormous challenge for brands to make a greater effort to better understand their audiences, pay more attention to improving customer experiences (for me this will be the big trend), and do more to facilitate the life of these with specific offers, highly personalized accent.

The power of email marketing will come into action here and that is why today I want to tell you about three key trends that are being handled in this regard.

1. Minimalist design

It is true that it is a cliché (and I admit that I use it a lot), but less is more. And this is one of the reasons why the email campaigns have lost force: we want to tell all. Fill them with information, put chaos to our messages and this confuses the client. More and more maximalist, chaotic, and discordant design styles are obsolete and will appear, in contrast, clean, minimalist, and simple compositions.

Consider that the average user receives more than 100 emails a day. So you are tired of information overload. The recipient wants emails that deliver a crisp message in an easy-to-read format. And for this, generous use of white space, a clean look, and crisp lines are ideal. You know, connect from the simple.

2. The key is in the micro-interactions

It generates interactive content to increase the open rates of email. Add videos, memes, content of pleasant value to the reader. The days of boring and static emails are long gone. Don’t forget that today’s users want to see if brands care about them as individuals and are willing to go the extra mile to engage with them in a personalized way. Today the challenge is to generate emails that generate interaction with the audience. This must be thought very well.

3. Support for dark mode settings

It sounds silly, but a 2020 survey by Android Authority revealed that roughly 82% of people use dark mode on their devices, in individual apps, and anywhere else it’s available.

In 2022 more email marketers will send dark mode compliant emails. One reason is that this mode is easy on the eye and makes content more readable. It goes without saying that users are more likely to open such emails and interact with them.

The dark mode also will give emails one more elegant, with a good impact on openings and clicks. In addition, it saves the battery life of the user’s equipment.

In summary, email marketing has come a long way and is probably one of the most impactful and least well-cared tools in terms of strategy. It is about starting to use it consciously and you will see that you will change your perception in relation to its use.

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