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how to automate WhatsApp and increase your sales using 5 steps


In less than 3 minutes of reading and in just 5 steps you will learn what to do to automate WhatsApp. So if your goal is to speed up your sales and save money, go ahead!

1- Download the WhatsApp Business application


De facto, or application with characteristics that make it a perfect channel for interaction with its consumers. Em sum, or WhatsApp Business:

In fact, the app has features that make it a perfect channel for interaction with your consumers. In short, WhatsApp Business:

  • Make it clear to your customers that the person they are talking to is a company, not an ordinary user. This increases credibility.
  • It has an optimized business profile, which contains a description, location, business hours, a link to a website, and a product catalog.
  • It offers automated messages , including the away message, which provides support to customers even outside of business hours. Just like the welcome message, which greets customers when they contact you.
  • Possui labels, or seja, allows to classify the clients according to their interest. Do not just separate new or old ones, as well as place inside any label that you want to breed. Isso means that you can have tags for pending payment or complete order, for example.
  • It has labels, that is, it allows you to classify customers according to your interest. Not only separate the new or old ones, but also put them inside the tags you want to create. This means you can have tags for pending payment or complete order, for example.
  • It provides basic statistics like messages sent, delivered, read and received.

But all these advantages are still not enough. If you really want to automate WhatsApp, you need to access the WhatsApp Business API.

What is the WhatsApp Business API?


The WhatsApp Business API is the key that allows other applications to access the functionality of the business application.

That is, to offer levels of automation that WhatsApp Business does not have.

Also, some of these applications offer the possibility of having multiple users with a single WhatsApp number.

However, not all companies offer platforms with official and risk-free integration.

Similarly, there are few that offer a large number of functionalities for small and medium-sized companies. And even less, with all these benefits at an affordable price.

Therefore, the first step to automate WhatsApp is to hire an official CRM.

Although it is integrated with the WhatsApp API, it confirms the possibility of several users attending on the same line.

2- Welcome messages start to automate WhatsApp

Among other features, WhatsApp Business offers the facility to send welcome messages.

This is a great strategy, but it is only part of what you should do in the first contact with the client.

What if you also ask for their name and email? This second step is simple but essential to proceed with the sales process.

To do this, you must hire a bot for WhatsApp, integrated with the API.

Therefore, contact details are requested and recorded in a database.

3- By automating WhatsApp, you can distribute leads


Not in the past, an operator was hired especially to direct the calls received to the appropriate consultant. In many cases, an IVR or a telephone exchange was necessary to carry out this work.

But, do telephone centers exist for WhatsApp? Yes, they exist. With effect, they are the smart bots for or WhatsApp . See the image below or what a bot can do.

In the past, an operator was hired specifically to direct incoming calls to the appropriate consultant. Or, in many cases, an IVR or call center was needed to do this job.

But what if there were telephone exchanges for WhatsApp? If they exist. In fact, they are the smart bots for WhatsApp. See in the image below what a bot can do.

bot image 1

Image Bot 1

4- Get customer feedback through WhatsApp automation

Satisfaction surveys allow you to know the customer experience and the level of approval of the service by your consultants.

In this sense, a bot is ideal to request these answers. This is what it would look like:

bot image 2

However, this not all. The bot collects this information, stores and creates a score for your consultants.

Therefore, the feedback can be both individual and group, and also based on real data.

5 – Send broadcast messages to hundreds of contacts with just a few clicks

This is a fundamental advantage of automating WhatsApp. If you really want to increase your sales, at some point you will have to send mass messages. That is, the same or similar message to hundreds of customers.

Whether it is about sending changes in the conditions of your business or communicating any eventuality, sending messages in bulk is essential.

After all, with just a few minutes, consultants can be prevented from missing their work day to send 500 messages. 😜

Although WhatsApp limits this option in the case of promotions, to avoid spam, an official provider can do it without risk.

Therefore, your CRM must have an official integration with the messaging application.

Conclusion: how you can automate WhatsApp Business

In summary, these are the 5 steps you must follow:

  1. Have access to the WhatsApp Business API through an official provider.
  2. Create welcome messages and request contact information automatically.
  3. Automate lead distribution. 
  4. Carry out satisfaction surveys and give your consultants a score.
  5. Send messages in bulk.

Did you know that with Sirena, the first official CRM for WhatsApp, you can do this and much more?


Sirena is the perfect option to automate WhatsApp

Conheça Learn about Sirena’s functionalities:


Shared inbox or client portfolio

Whether your team needs to work collaboratively or with a portfolio of clients, choose Sirena.

After all, the application adapts not only to the needs of your company, but also to each department.

Mermaid Bots 

Sirena allows you to configure chatbots to:

  • Send welcome messages;
  • Inform the customer how long it will take to provide service;
  • Request contact information;
  • Answer the most frequently asked questions you receive.
  • Direct your clients directly to an agent, who will continue with the consultation, through automated transfers.
  • Forward your clients directly to an agent, who will continue with the consultation, through automated transfers.

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