how to earn money online without investing by using the best 5 ways

The incursion of the Internet in our lives has democratized the possibilities of entrepreneurship and making money without making large investments. In addition, it has opened a world of possibilities to all people, regardless of age, profession, and place in the world. Making your dream of having your own business or selling your products come true is easier than you can imagine. To serve you as inspiration, we present you with 5 Internet business ideas that hardly need investment.

5 ways to earn money online without investing

The Internet offers you a range of incredible possibilities, giving you the opportunity to sell anywhere in the world without having to move from home or have a physical store and without a strict working day. If you still do not believe us, we show you  5 examples of how to earn income from the Internet “easily” :

Sell ​​your photos to image banks

If you like photography and have a talent for capturing moments, take advantage of your photos and sell them to the different image banks on the Internet. These are used mainly by companies to graphically represent what they want to convey in their texts or business actions. Some of the most popular platforms are,, or

Become an affiliate of a brand

This concept may be difficult for you to understand with the naked eye, but it is more used than you think. To begin,  you have to have a web page or blog where you can enter URLs of the third-party products or services that you are going to sell and for which you are going to take a commission. Remuneration will vary based on website productivity, impressions, link clicks, and of course product sales.

In general,  the products with which it is marketed the most have to do with digital topics, such as e-books or software, although any product is valid to sell by affiliation. As we have said before, to be an affiliate you must have your website so if you have not created it yet you should know that in Correos you have different eCommerce solutions with which to start on the Internet.

If you are interested in this business model, we leave you some affiliate companies to start with, such as  Amazon,  Booking,  Fnac … Everything will depend on the theme around which your website is going to revolve, but as you can see there are many possibilities.

Create your website

Nowadays creating a website is easier than you can imagine, for example in Correos Ecommerce Solutions you can create your website yourself in a few simple steps and at a very affordable price. Once you have the web,  you can earn money through the following marketing techniques :

·       Advertising

This method is recommended to be used especially for those sites that have a lot of visitor traffic and are a reference in a special subject

For example, this type of monetization is ideal for bloggers. For this, the best-known platform is  Google Adsense.

·       Content promoted

To earn money through this tactic, you have to promote brand-name products through articles, images, or videos. For this, an agreement is reached with the brands, and the way in which you are going to benefit from this advertising or promotion is determined.

·       Sell your own products

Many of the trends in blogs or web pages with a niche theme make their content a product or service with which to market. What is done in these cases is to create ebooks, courses, physical books … or some product that fits the theme and the demand of the user community.

·       Advertising space on the web

Another option is to reserve a space on your website or blog to advertise other companies that are related to the content of your website. It is a way to be part of a  network of display ads with which you can monetize your website with just clicks. For you to locate yourself, these are the ads that usually appear on the sides of some websites or while reading an article.

Create your app

Creating your own app is not always an easy task, in most cases, it requires the collaboration of someone who has technical knowledge or to become a self-taught person on the subject. But do not worry, there is a third option with which to have your own native app quickly and easily, and it is with the Create your App solution that we propose from Correos Ecommerce Solutions.

Therefore, identify a problem and develop a solution from an app, in this way you will be able to differentiate yourself from the rest. Once you have everything ready,  it is only a matter of getting users to download it and start making money

Also, another option is, if the application is good and has good reception, sell it to the highest bidder, a quick option to obtain income and make an investment profitable.

Sell ​​on marketplaces

If you have your own brand of product, or objects, books, clothes, or accessories that you no longer use or want to get rid of them,  there are many platforms to make them profitable, and that is by selling them online without having your own online store. Correos Ecommerce Solutions has a solution for this initiative, through which you can sell in more than 50 marketplaces around the world, such as Amazon, Privalia, or eBay.

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