window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-09HLNFS3CD'); What is Google Adsense and how to earn money? – i-SeoTools: 100% Advanced Free SEO Tools centre

What is Google Adsense and how to earn money?

What is Google Adsense and how to earn money?

Welcome to my post, which more than an article is about training on Google AdSense, designed to take you by the hand and guide you through the process to make the most of this platform in your business.

I am very excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpful to you.

This exclusive post will show you step by step, topic by topic and tool by tool, what you need to know to master Google AdSense, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest possible time.

I recommend you take paper and pencil, so you can take notes, in case you never come back to this post.

Are you ready to start? Go!

These are “some” of the topics that we will see next:

What is Google Adsense, how does it work, when do you pay, alternatives, Adsense with wordpress, how to make money with Adsense, and more…

Google Adsense Basics


I have a quick question for you: when you visit a website, what is the first thing that you can visually identify apart from the actual content?

I’m sure your answer will be “ads”, and that’s because online advertising is everywhere. We’ve gotten so used to it that we just take it for granted, but what is online advertising really all about?

Online advertising is, in simple terms, the use of the Internet to deliver a marketing message through paid solutions.

And due to its online nature, it can basically take shape in any possible location you can imagine.

That means online ads can appear in every online location or channel made available to advertisers, as they are the digital equivalent of billboards.[bctt tweet=” Online ads are the digital equivalent of billboards.” username=” Roig82″]

In fact, once you start digging deeper, you can find all sorts of parallels to real-world ads.

The most common form of online advertisements can be found on blogs and websites and can be compared to newspaper and magazine advertisements.

You’ll also find YouTube video ads, which are the internet version of TV ads, as well as other types of online ads that go a step further, like mobile ads and in-app ads.

Online ads have such a wide reach that they are also natively integrated into social media platforms like Facebook, where they allow you to promote your own content affordably and without much hassle.


And the best part? Online advertising is not limited to large agencies with bloated advertising budgets. You don’t need to produce expensive materials or do a lot of paperwork.

You just have to have a compelling message, a target audience, and a great product or service to promote.

And that’s why online advertising has vastly outpaced offline advertising: because more people pay for ads online than anywhere else.

And that is also the reason why online advertising has become the fuel that fuels the creation of content on the Internet.

Because if you’re a content creator with a blog or website that gets good traffic, or you have a YouTube channel with videos that get thousands of views monthly, you’re guaranteed a steady income from ad revenue.


But! Here’s the kicker: Online ads don’t magically appear on websites or videos, and they don’t make money for website owners by magically getting there.

Do you want to know what is the best way to generate money in your property online? Read on to find out!

What is Google Adsense

So we talked about what online advertising really is in the previous paragraphs and we mentioned that for all intents and purposes, it’s about generating revenue through placement targeting with ads.

Or in simpler words, it has to do with the use of online properties to serve ads that reach a defined audience in order to get interaction with them.

It’s a win-win situation because advertisers can use relevant locations on niche properties to promote their products and publishers can basically make money by renting locations on their properties to advertisers.

Now, how do advertisers place ads on, say, a website? And how do publishers and content creators insert ads into their properties?

The simple answer is: they sign up with an ad network, which works as an intermediary between advertisers and publishers.

What ad networks do is connect advertisers to a network of online properties where they can post their ads, as well as add online properties to those networks through publishers and content creators.

There are many, many ad networks out there, but the most popular and by extension also the largest is Google AdSense. And because of that, it is an advertising platform full of unique features and quirks.

How to describe Google Adsense

To begin with, the AdSense platform can be described as an online advertising program run exclusively for publishers by Google, allowing them to add their online properties to the “Google Network” of content sites.

Once you as a publisher add your sites to this network, they will be able to post online ads using auto-text, images, video, and other types of interactive media directly on your sites.

These ads, or ad units, are targeted according to a site’s content and audience.

These ad units are generated and managed by advertisers in the Google Ads network itself (formerly called AdWords), and are managed by Google itself. In other words, Google serves ads on sites that are part of the AdSense network on behalf of advertisers that are part of the Google Ads network.

Now, we all know that publishers and content creators are not going to lend their valuable “online real estate” to charity. They’re in it for the money! But,

How do AdSense ads generate revenue on a site?

It’s simple: advertisers pay Google to put their ads on the AdSense network, and then Google splits those earnings with the owner of the online property where these ads appear, again, based on the type of content on the ad. site and its audience.

And the way these ads generate revenue is through clicks and impressions. “Per click” revenue is earned when a visitor clicks an ad to visit the advertiser’s site or landing page, and “per impression” revenue is earned for every thousand impressions or views on an ad.

That’s why sites in the AdSense network must strive to deliver the best possible content, to a highly engaged audience, on a regular basis.

Do you want to know what some of the most impressive benefits of using AdSense are? Then join me to find out!

Benefits of this ad network

In the previous section, we were discussing how online advertising is designed to motivate people to post content.

In particular, we’ve learned that Google AdSense is designed to encourage content creators and publishers to set up quality content sites, as that’s the only way to generate revenue through ads.

It means that you will need to create a site that is either a niche in itself or one that offers really popular content.

The good news is that by integrating AdSense into your content platform, you can smartly monetize your content.

Here’s a list of the ways AdSense can help you get the most out of your website!

Google AdSense pays the highest pay per click rates in the industry

One of the most notable advantages of the AdSense platform over all other networks is that it truly offers the best rates for publishers in the industry.

This is because the Google Advertising Network is the largest ad network available, as well as the most popular, and only allows top-tier content sites to join the network.

That means competition for ad placement between advertisers is pretty strong, and they will end up paying as high as your ad space is worth.

The more relevant your content is and the more your site is visited, the higher your pay per click through an ad on your site!

AdSense does not require them to complete actions

Many online marketers will recommend that you sign up with a “CPA” network as an alternative to paid advertising, however, this has its pros and cons.

Because no matter how many clicks or views those ad units get, they won’t earn you a penny until your visitors complete whatever action the network requires.

Note: I like CPA and affiliate marketing. But here I am impartially speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of one or another form of monetization.

AdSense ads do not require your visitors to complete any action beyond clicking on them. No matter how many times a visitor clicks on an ad without making a purchase, you’ll still get paid for it!

Allows you to manage multiple properties from one account

This is a feature not offered by many other ad networks, alternatives to Google Adsense. If you have more than one specialized website, AdSense will allow you to manage all of them from a single account.

easy to integrate

You can easily integrate AdSense ads into your blogs by copying a simple line of code from your AdSense account and pasting it onto your site.

You won’t have to pay anyone to do it for you, cutting costs!

AdSense automatically selects ads

If you are managing a website, you know very well how much time you need to focus on content creation.

That’s why AdSense automatically places the most relevant ads on your site, saving you the time you’d otherwise spend searching for them yourself, selecting them, and then placing them in your ad slots.

It’s free

You won’t have to pay a fee or sign up with a credit card to get the privilege of monetizing your sites with AdSense. It’s free from the start. Another cost cut!

Ok, so what other amazing things can be said about this unique advertising platform? Keep reading!

Shocking Google AdSense facts and statistics to consider

✓ The Google AdSense program has been around for over a decade, albeit in a very different form. The name “AdSense” was originally the name of an advertising solution offered
by a company called “Oingo, Inc”, which was acquired by Google in 2003. ( source )

✓ Ad revenue generated by content publishers comes from Google’s split share business model, in which Google keeps 32% of the revenue and gives 68% of the revenue to the publisher. On average, this means that a publisher can expect to earn $0.20 to $3 per click or per 1,000 visits. ( source )

✓ Earnings from online advertising make up a whopping 84% of Google’s total revenue, which grew 27% since 2018. ( source )

✓ AdSense ads are not limited to blogs and websites, they are also served on multiple channels through the Google advertising network. These channels include Gmail, apps in the Play Store, games, YouTube videos, search results, and partner platforms.

✓ AdSense earnings are heavily influenced by location. What this means is that how much you earn as a publisher on your AdSense site or online property largely depends on the location of your visitors. That happens because the costs per click vary from country to country.

Other data

✓ AdSense is based on an interest-based advertising technique that tracks users’ online behavior and then shows them ads based on their interests. For example, if one of your visitors frequently visits an e-commerce site or any type of online retail platform, and those sites are part of the Google ad network, AdSense will show these visitors ads related to those sites.

✓ Another factor that influences AdSense earnings besides audience location is niche. The most profitable niches are insurance, health, making money online, technology, blog tutorials, search engine optimization, and forex trading. To give you an example, rates in the insurance and health niches average up to $20 per click!

✓ Download-focused websites are some of the most profitable online properties you can monetize with AdSense. They don’t offer as high click-through rates as the insurance and health niches, but they make up for it with the high number of clicks these sites encourage.

✓ The websites currently profiting the most from running AdSense ads are also some of the biggest. These sites include “”, “”, “”, “”, and “”, as well as large international sites such as “”.

✓ AdSense is perhaps the first online advertising platform to use machine learning to automate ad placement on content sites, which Google itself claims increases ad revenue by up to 15%.

Things you can and can’t do

Yes you can


Google is constantly updating its AdSense terms of use and policies, so it’s a good practice to constantly review your policy support page, as well as avoid violating any new rules or terms of service.


Google AdSense will be integrated into Your site in its default settings, so I recommend that you customize its settings according to your site settings.

I recommend that you visit other sites using AdSense as their main monetization strategy to learn how they use ad units on their pages. That way you can test the same placements on your site to see how well you can monetize their strategies.


You can supplement your AdSense earnings by simply experimenting with creating content in a high-paying niche that is different from your own, such as health, food, or online business. This will allow you to create an alternate passive income stream that will help you focus your greatest efforts on your main AdSense site.

You can not


This is a big NOOOOO. If you click on an ad unit on your own site, your account will be suspended almost immediately, so take precautions when visiting your sites.


You might be tempted to use click-exchange platforms to boost your short-term earnings, but be aware that sooner or later Google will track this activity, and your account will be suspended accordingly!


The AdSense platform requires publishers to maintain a good ratio of content to ad units, which simply means that pages must contain more original content than ads, so don’t even think about placing ads on pages where there is no content.


You already know to stay away from topics like porn, gambling, and illegal drugs, but it’s also important to stay away from sensitive topics like alcohol abuse, violence, politics, etc., which are not supported by AdSense.


I already mentioned this in the previous paragraph, however, I want to emphasize it again. You cannot use Google Adsense for adults. When I say Google Adsense for adults I mean porn sites.

How to make money with Google Adsense

Once you join the AdSense program, and Google approves your site(s), the actual process of displaying ads on your website is extremely simple.

You are provided with a small HTML code, which you can paste anywhere on your web page.

You can paste this code any number of times and across multiple pages, and the ads start running right away!

Google automatically places the most relevant AdWords ads from its extensive base of advertisers. To do this, it uses several sophisticated algorithms to determine the relevance of the ads to your content.

Take this idea: technically, there is only one way to make money with AdSense. You create a website and paste the AdSense code on the pages.

You then drive traffic to that site and earn money when people click on the ads that Google is serving. That sounds pretty easy, right?

It’s easy, but it requires a thorough analysis and a lot of effort, more than it cost me to write this article. And what a cost to me.

The thing to remember is that you only earn a few cents when someone clicks on an ad, in most cases. That amount can be as little as three cents and as much as five dollars.

SEO is the key to this business model

The most successful AdSense publishers target keywords that pay the most money.

These AdSense publishers use a variety of tools to discover which keywords pay the best. These tools include keyword research tools, mostly.

Yes or yes you have to become an expert in SEO. If you’re going to go into this business and go all out, I recommend joining an expert-led SEO community, like Dean Romero’s SEO Warriors.

Back on topic, successful publishers spend a lot of time researching keywords, finding out what the top keywords are, in terms of the number of people searching for them and what combinations of words are being used.

These are words and phrases that they will target in the content on their sites.

They then determine which of those top keyword themes pay the most money per click.

Those who have been in the AdSense game for a while are not going to build sites targeting keywords that only pay three cents per click!

They are making a living and three pennies won’t go far in reaching their goal.

These AdSense publishers use the tools provided by Google to help determine which keywords pay publishers the most.

Preparing your Adsense account

The hardest part of getting started with AdSense is getting your website approved by Google.[bctt tweet=” The hardest part of getting started with AdSense is getting your website approved by Google” username=” Roig82″]

In fact, for many, getting a $100,000 bank loan is easier than getting a free Google AdSense Account. The key is to be prepared before you apply.

You can’t start using Google AdSense on your pages until you’re approved. This means that you must prepare to open an account, before applying for an account.

The first thing you should do is read Google’s Terms of Service (TOS).

If your site does not meet the guidelines set by Google, you will be rejected.

Also, even after you are approved and start running Google ads on your site, if you do not comply with the TOS, you will be removed and possibly excluded from the program.

Specifically, what you’re looking for are the Program’s policies, which can be found at

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Program Policies.

The first thing to keep in mind is that Google will not accept any site that is not complete.

This means that you cannot have any pages that are “under construction”. All pages must be complete and all links must work properly.

Make sure all of your graphics are showing up correctly as well, as even a broken graphic can prevent you from getting approved.

quality guidelines

Google also has a set of Quality Guidelines that must be met before you can be approved.

These guidelines, along with the program policies, will tell you exactly what you can’t have on your site and what is expected of you and your site in terms of qualifying for a Google AdSense account.

You can find these guidelines by clicking here.

One mistake many would-be AdSense publishers make is not reading the TOS, Program Policies, and Guidelines.

Google presents them in very specific terms, so there is no question about the rules. These rules are also taken very seriously.

People often skip this step in preparation (read the rules), work hard to build a site, only to have it disapproved by Google or approved, but then get banned from the program.

And then they have to run out and find alternatives to Google Adsense.

Don’t let this happen to you. These are rules that you must not only meet to be approved but must continue to meet to stay in the program. You don’t want to spend days and weeks building sites only to be kicked out of the program later on. Google takes this very seriously.

Once you have read the rules and understood them,

The next part of the preparation is to research which topics will be the most profitable for you and build the site.

I will probably cover this topic in more depth in a future post, but for now, you just need a website that will be approved by Google.

Remember that you only need to get approved for one site to enter the program, and from there you can publish and use Google AdSense on as many sites as you like, on a wide variety of topics, from one account you’ve been approved for. passed.

While many simply set up a website that meets Google’s standards, without doing any research to get approved, you might as well take a little more time and go ahead and create a site that you can use to target high keywords. payment.

This is entirely up to you, and it doesn’t really matter much which way you go, as long as the site approves you for a Google AdSense account.

How to apply or request a Google AdSense account

Once you’re ready to apply for a Google AdSense account, it’s as simple as filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit confusing.

Here, we will see how to complete the form, so that Google approves you without any problem. You can find the form to apply for an AdSense account by clicking here.

The first thing the form asks for is the URL of your website.

Keep in mind that even if you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one.

Even if you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one to approve your Adsense account.

So, list the URL of the site that you have set up to be approved for Google AdSense and enter the URL like this:

You don’t need to include the HTTP:// part of the URL and don’t include any subpages of the URL, such as

Google wants to see the home page of the site, at the top-level domain.

site language

Google then wants to know what language your site is published in. If your site supports multiple languages, that’s fine, but it’s not what Google wants to know. They want to know the main language of the site; this would be the language you used to write the pages, I imagine you will do it in Spanish.

The next question on the form gets a lot of people spinning. You are asked if you are setting up an individual or business account.

Here’s a way to simplify this question: If you don’t have an office or business that currently has 20 or more employees, you are an individual. It doesn’t matter what your future plans are.

The next part of the form asks for your information: name, address, city, and state.

It’s important to note that when Google pays you, the check will be made out to the name you put here and sent to that address.

So, think about the information you need to put here to receive the check and to cash or deposit it.

After your name and address, Google wants your phone number. They probably won’t call you, but sometimes they do if there’s a problem or a question. Provide a phone number where you can be reached. You do not have to provide a fax number.

Here, you can also choose to receive the Google newsletter, or not. Choosing not to receive the newsletter will have no effect on whether or not your site is approved.

The selection of products also confuses many. Choose both: AdSense for content and AdSense for search. This means that you can run both, but you can use only one if you wish.

Finally, submit the form and prepare to wait. Your site will be reviewed by a human being, with no robots.

Approval is manual, not automated. It may take up to three business days (72 hours) before a Google representative contacts you. That contact usually comes by email.

Choosing AdSense Site Niche Topics

Now that you know how to create a Google-approved site and how to apply for a Google AdSense account, you should learn how the experts select the themes for their Google AdSense sites.

Choosing the right niches is the difference between success and failure!

Let’s take a look at the various tools you’ll use.

First, you need keyword research tools. You can find out what the top keywords are being searched for with web-based tools like Ubersuggest.

However, it is much faster and easier to use a paid tool like SEMrush.

But finding the most frequently searched keywords is not enough. Once you have a good list of what people are searching for the most, the next step is to find out how profitable those keywords are.

Not all frequently searched keywords are profitable, and if you want to live full-time with Google AdSense, you need high-paying keywords.

Now, before you run off looking for a list of high-paying keywords, keep in mind that even if such a list existed, it would be constantly changing.

Also, I seriously don’t think other AdSense publishers are going to share such a free list, if there ever was one, right?

They wouldn’t. You have to find this information yourself.

Lean on your Google Ads account

This is where having a Google Ads account will come in handy.

You can see what advertisers pay to get the top spot in search results for your keywords.

Simply sign in to your free Google Ads account and click on ‘tools’. Then click Keyword Tool.

Enter your keywords, and then in the dropdown box below, select ‘Ad position and cost estimates’.

Type 5.00 in the list box and press ‘calculate’.

Google will now display possible keywords, based on the primary keyword you entered. Next to each keyword, you’ll see the estimated average CPC (cost per click) and the estimated position.

You’ll want to see the CPC for keywords that will rank in the top five positions, listed as 1 – 3 or 1 – 5.

At the time of writing this post, using the keyword phrase ‘weight loss, the estimated CPC is 3.43. Now, as an advertiser, that’s what you’d pay per click for an ad that runs when that keyword phrase is searched for.

As a publisher, however, you would not earn 3.43 per click. Google also wants its share.

However, Google does not indicate what percentage the publisher earns. It varies, and how that percentage is calculated is Google’s secret, and they don’t share that information!

You basically have to take a percentage out of the air to work. Try to use 60% as a reference.

Once you start getting clicks, you can see what your estimated CPC is in Google Ads and then see how much you got paid for that click in AdSense to find out how much Google pays you per click for that keyword.

Again, this varies from one keyword to the next, so there are no set guidelines here.

Building your sites step by step

Once you have selected a high-paying theme for your site, and have been approved for a Google Adsense account, you are ready to get to work and have your first profitable AdSense website.

If you haven’t already (you should have), you really need to go and read the program policies that Google has set up, as well as their webmaster guidelines.

This will help you build a better site and avoid problems that can and will get you banned from the Google AdSense program.

Your site must be full of content that uses your keywords. A keyword density of about 2-3% is excellent. This means that your keyword should be used approximately 2-3% of the time in your content.

So for a post that has 600 words of content, the keyword will appear twelve to eighteen times (600 x 2% or 600 x 3%).

There is more to it than just targeting keywords. The content must be exact. It must be legible and understandable by visitors. Must be unique.

You should use as many search engine optimization techniques as possible when building your site. Not only will this attract the right ads, but it will also help your site move up in search results, in order to attract organic traffic.

You want your site to look good, have good information, and load fast. This will attract the correct ads.

test your site

Make it a site they want to visit, and then ask an uninterested party, like your neighbor (not your best friend or your mom) if it’s a site they’d like to visit if they were interested in the topic.

You are now ready to place the AdSense code on your pages.

Sign in to your AdSense account. Click the AdSense Settings tab at the top of the page.

First, click Channels and set up a Channel for your site’s theme. This will come in handy later when you’re analyzing which of your sites is bringing in the most money.

Next, click on palettes and create a color palette that matches your site. You’ll want your Google Ads to blend into your site.

If they stand out, they will get fewer clicks, simply because people are really trying to avoid the ads.

The idea is that the ads are seen as content on your site. Once you’ve set up a palette that matches your site, click on products. Choose AdSense for content to create your ad units.

ad units

Here, you can choose ads that are enclosed in a box, or ads that are more self-contained but are just text links.

It’s a good idea to choose the link unit to add above or below your navigation links, and you can style your site’s navigation links to look like Google’s link units.

You can use the ad units (frames) in other sections of your site.

After you’ve been in the Google AdSense game for a while, you’ll start testing around the topic of ad unit placement.

Ideally, use “text ads only” as the setting. Next, place a skyscraper on the side of your page (in the sidebar) and a rectangular ad unit at the top of your page.

Please note that Google has limits on how many Google Ads can be used on your page.

On one page, you can have three ad units, two search boxes, one link unit, and two referral units.

How to get paid Adsense

Step 1

Sign in to your Google AdSense account. Select the “My Account” link. Find “Payment details” and select it, and then press “Edit”. Click “Add New Bank Account” under the “Electronic Funds Transfers” section. Select “Continue”.

Step 2

Enter your bank account information. You can get your bank account number by looking at your bank statement or the bottom of your checks. You will also need the name of your bank. Select “Save changes” when you have entered the information.

Step 3

Wait a week for Google to send you a test deposit. If you don’t see it, please wait 10 more days. Check your deposit by accessing your online banking. The Google repository will be labeled “AFS RE GOOGLE”.

Step 4

Sign in to your Google AdSense account. Select the “My Account” link, then “Payment Details”. Select “Verify this account” and enter the amount of the test deposit Google made to your bank account. Click the “Next” button and wait for Google to verify.

Step 5

Check the box next to your bank account to choose it as your default payment method. Wait until the 15th of the month or the following month to get your monthly payment, and then go to your local bank branch and withdraw the funds. You can use an ATM or enter the inside teller and ask for the funds to be withdrawn.

You can also receive payments by check.

Can I charge Adsense by PayPal

Google does not work with Paypal.

Payment methods depend on the country of residence. These are all the payment methods they offer:

– US dollar checks,
– local currency checks,
– wire transfer,
– Western Union Quick Cash.

To find out what payment options are available to you, click here.

When do you pay Adsense

The AdSense payment cycle is monthly.

As the month progresses, you will accumulate an estimated income. At the beginning of the following month, your final earnings will be calculated and posted to your balance on the Payments page.

If your balance exceeds the payment threshold and you do not have any holds, you will be issued a payment between the 21st and 26th of the month.

The exact date you will receive your payment will depend on your time zone, whether the 21st falls on a weekend or a holiday, and the payment method selected.


To make money with Adsense you need traffic. Write articles with good keywords and participate in forums on your topic.

If you have no traffic, you have no income from Google AdSense. It’s as simple as that.

Most AdSense publishers split their time, spending about twenty percent of their time posting on their sites or creating new ones, and spending the other 80% of their time promoting them.

You must keep track of the results. Not only should you make changes to your pages and track those results, but you should also track your advertising efforts.

By testing and tracking your page results, you’ll discover which ad formats, ad placements, and ad colors work best for your site.

When you know what works, you can focus your time and energy on those activities, and drop the techniques that don’t work.

This not only saves time but also increases AdSense income.

You can make a full-time living from Google AdSense, but it takes time and effort.

One last thing. Before you quit your job, make sure you have a year’s salary saved in the bank. This will prevent financial ruin should Google make changes to the program that affect your AdSense earnings.

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