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Can you take advantage of Twitter Shopping?


Twitter allows you to share any type of information very quickly and easily in 280 characters. This feature has made it one of the most popular social networks in the world, which is why many brands include  Twitter Ads in their content strategies. Now, in addition, this social network has included  Twitter Shopping, which means that it also has an eCommerce part.


We explain everything you need to know about Twitter Shopping and how you can use it for your eCommerce.

What is Twitter Shopping?

Twitter Shopping, the new feature of Twitter,  allows companies to show their products, give information about them, and sell them through the same application.  These products appear in a space enabled for this, so it does not hinder the viewing of tweets or profiles, but it does make it easier for the user to discover and buy the product of a brand in which they are interested.

This new functionality aims to bring users closer to the product that is being talked about or the one that is related to the topic of the thread. In fact, brands have detected that the need to buy a product often arises from conversations held on Twitter or other social networks, so this could become very good e-commerce for companies.

Advantages of Twitter Shopping for your online store

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in the world, so it is good to include it in a  digital marketing strategy. Now, in addition, companies will be able to show their products and sell them through the same social network, which makes it a key tool for any eCommerce.

These are its main advantages:

  • It is a way to publicize the brand and create a community : Twitter is one of the best  social networks  to make yourself known and create a community, so it is important to include it in any strategy designed for this purpose. Now, in addition, it will allow showing the products and services that are offered together with those messages that speak of the values ​​of the brand and the people behind it, which will give the user more information.
  • Increase sales – Twitter Shopping is a way to increase sales, as users will be able to buy a product without leaving the platform. It has been verified that many sales are lost because the user must leave the site to be able to do so, so this new functionality will prevent exactly this. Of course, although Twitter Shopping generates sales through the same application, web traffic will continue to be just as important to position in  search engines  such as Google.
  • It allows you to interact directly with the customer : since the customer can buy through Twitter Shopping, this social network can be used to answer any questions a customer has or solve a problem that may arise. In fact, there are brands that already use this social network as a customer service channel, since it has been proven that it is a way to improve the brand image and be transparent with the public. Of course, you must respond to all kinds of messages, even negative ones, in a respectful way and maintaining the tone of the company.

Twitter Shopping is, then, another means through which sales can be achieved. However, to obtain good results, eCommerce must be accompanied by content that is of interest to the user and that can serve to differentiate itself from the competition.

How to use Twitter Shopping in your ecommerce

To use Twitter Shopping correctly and obtain good results, it is important to have a careful and attractive profile, with content that is of interest. It is also important to interact with followers, as this creates greater confidence in the user and allows potential customers to learn more.

To increase the reach of your posts quickly and easily and make yourself known to a greater number of users, you can use Twitter Ads. This is one of the most used strategies in digital marketing campaigns and Twitter is not very different from other social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook.

If the Twitter profile is optimized, the next step will be to activate Twitter Shopping. The social network will only allow this function to be activated in those profiles that have been verified as brands or businesses since it wants to ensure that users can make a purchase in a totally secure way. If this is the case, the top of the profile feed will be where the products, information about them, and the purchase function appear.

It is clear that with this new functionality, Twitter intends to become one of the most effective e-commerce for the brand, since the majority of users who follow a company do so out of interest in its products and to keep up to date with news, offers and promotions. This means that if Twitter allows purchases without leaving the application, and even buying from a link in a tweet, a brand’s sales could skyrocket. Of course, the image of the brand, customer service through this social network, and product information plays a key role in success.

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