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Why do we celebrate Mother Earth Day 2021 this April 22?

Mother Earth Day

Earth Day or International Mother Earth Day, is a celebration held on April 22 of each year and this 2021 celebrates 50 years with the aim of raising awareness among people about the natural problems that exist in the world, such as global warming and the coronavirus pandemic.

Events are held around the world to commemorate this date, but above all to implement actions necessary to care for, maintain, conserve and value the Earth and all its natural resources, as well as all the beings that inhabit it, but what is the history of this date and why is it celebrated ? Here we tell you.

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Why is Earth Day celebrated?

In 1970, Earth Day was celebrated for the first time and in 1972 the Stockholm Earth Summit was held, the first international conference on the environment where the foundations of the actions to be taken to take care of water, the flora, and fauna, and environmental education.

Since then, the planet has lost more than 30 percent of its biodiversity and faces serious global problems, such as global warming caused by human activity.

In 2009, the United Nations (UN) decreed April 22 as the International Day of Mother Earth in order to remind everyone of the interdependence between human beings and the rest of the species.

A year later, in 2010, Mexico hosted the celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Launch of the Earth Charter, which took place in Guanajuato, where the issue of mitigation and adaptation of people to the imminent climate change.

Mother Earth, the same concept in different

According to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, Mother Earth is a common expression used to refer to planet Earth in various countries and regions.
“For example, in Bolivia, they call her Pacha Mama and our ancestors referred to her as Tonantzin,” the federal agency explained on its blog.

The concepts regarding Mother Earth also coincide in essence between the ethnic groups of the world, for example, for the Wixárikas of Mexico, the Earth is a central divine being and is the mother Tatéi Yurianaka, a deity who gives life to herself and to the world.

According to the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, Mother Earth is the root of life, therefore it is important to take care of and protect her, “she is the common territory where the communities live, likewise it is part of their cultural heritage.

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